An Unofficial Mind, Body & Soul Guide to Feeling Good in the Fall (and in the Winter. And in the Middle of a Pandemic)
I totally get it. Things can feel rough right now for various reasons. (I’m not going to list them, you already know them and you know what yours are, yea?)
So this month’s post is all about ways to feel gooooooooood during the fall/winter season, when the days are shorter, nights are longer and things are closed in various stages.
Because at the end of the day, our vibe, our happiness, our energy, is our responsibility. We can only control ourselves, our actions and our reactions to things (talking to myself here too-check out this post on how to make feeling good your priority).
Now this list can vary and some items are dependent on where you live (ie Canada vs. Hawaii), so I’d love love LOOOOOVE for us all to come together and give each other helpful suggestions in the comments section below.
And as I think of more things, I will continue to add to this list :-)
And Away. We. Go:
Painting a wall in your office, bathroom, living room or bedroom your FAVORITE Color (or use glitter paint, fun stencils, etc)!! We haven’t done any painting this year because of how much we’ve done in the past, but this is such a quick way to refresh your environment and inject some exciting energy of newness! I’m always thinking of new projects and ways to spruce up our digs.
Hang some crystal balls in a window or two where the sun comes through and watch the rainbow show! I like these ones from amazon and hung EIGHT with clear fishing line in my office window.
Create your own ‘High Vibe/Happy’ music playlist, adding all your favorite songs and songs that you can’t but help dance to or sing to! Here’s my Spotify list that’s been in the making since 2018 (Some songs are explicit, so letting ya know in advance, listen to whatever floats your boat, skip what doesn’t).
Try a new way of moving your body. This month, I attended on only retreat where I meet Avery (@_mindmoves_ on IG), and during her segment of the retreat, had us spelling our names with our elbows, our booties and our legs. We also made as many circles as we could with as many parts of our bodies as we could. This movement was MAGICAL!! I also just completed an online barre program though Beachbody and LOVED the way this program challenged me to move in new ways. -Always consult with your medical provider before trying something new.
Move consistently: whether it’s an at home program, going for a walk, etc, scheudle in moment 4-5 days. It’s great for mental health, emotional health, and moving energy in the body (moods, feelings fo being ‘stuck/stagnant’ etc) -again, always consult with your medical provider before trying something new.
Make love. Whatever this means to you, it’s a great way to feel good ;) This could mean saying nice things to yourself and meaning it. The possibilities are endless.
Learn about manifestation and the Law of Attraction. I first heard about the law of attraction in 2010ish, but didn’t really start diving into it and learning about how it worked til 2018. And implementing it consistently has been nothing short of magical. Just being open to the concept and learning about it creates so much hope and excitement that honestly, it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not because you’ll be so jazzed, you’ll act from that place of excitement and see the results for yourself. Like Roald Dahl said “those who don’t believe in magic never see it”. My favorite manifestations this year: TONS of Sunflowers in my backyard, flowers & cookies from neighbors, meeting some of my role models & mentors in 2020, and going to a 5 star spa to get a massage (pre-covid), my clients and rolling out my signature group coaching program on Mindset & Manifestation itself. My favorite books: Ask & it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks and Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley.
Book a free coaching discovery call with me. In 30 minutes, you can get a little sneak peak at what coaching is and we can come up with one action item you can implement. Yes, I’ll talk about 1x1 coaching, but there is never ever any pressure to join, because coaching only works when the client is ready. But why not try a free 30 minute coaching session?
Try a virtual Revelation Breathwork Class. I’ve been wanting to practice breathwork since I first learned about it in 2016 at a yoga class, but kept putting it off. I attended a workshop that same year too, but didn’t develop a consistent practice until 2020, when they were offered virtually. After a few classes, I knew I wanted to become a certified breathwork teacher so I could hold these classes and also practice on my own. There are many different styles of breathwork, but if you’re interested in checking out Revelation Breathwork, you can find more info on it here.
Doing something creative: learn about something you’re interested or create something. Paint, trying a new recipe (I made my husband these gluten free cinnamon rolls from scratch for thanksgiving morning), try calligraphy or learning to play the ukelele.
Do some stargazing. Find a astrology app you dig and find constellations & planets from where you are.
Start journalling-it gets things out form your head and onto paper (or online if you want to create a public or private account). I love uploading pictures to my private online journal and looking back at them. The pictures take me right back to that moment and feeling.
Hang holiday lights in your home. One of my favorite things about this time is how early I get to plug in our Christmas lights. I get up early, so I have them on when I’m reading in the living room, as well as plug them in as soon as the sun goes down. Ya can’t enjoy them as long in summer the way you can during this season. We have some hanging in our laundry room that leads out to the back yard, as well as in the doorway between the living room and kitchen. Those are our common areas.
Go on a gratitude binge daily. Any time i’m feeling less than stellar (Sunday blues anyone?!) I think of anything and everything of what I’m currently grateful for. I start with what I immediately see in my surroundings, then start listing things off and really feel the gratitude for these things. For instance, I’m so grateful for my comfy chair, I’m so grateful for the computer i’m typing this on, I’m so grateful for our electricity, our water, our indoor plumbing. I’m so grateful for the food we have, etc. Infuse your life and daily moments with gratitude and watch magic unfold.
Add Satin pillowcases to make your evening magical. I’m not even joking about this one. My sister bought these ones from amazon ($10 bucks for 2 cases, at 4.5 star review with over 90,000 reviews…) and when I saw them, I got some too, and I feel like I hardly buy myself anything other than books or courses, unless it’s a necessity. I hardly buy myself clothes, so this felt like a treat and I LOOOOVE them. I get excited to go to sleep each night because of them :) AND they are supposed to be better for your skin/hair vs. cotton cases. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea, I didn’t research that. All I know is these make me feel like royalty.
That’s all I got for now, but I hope you found something fun to try or felt inspired by endless possibilities that exist beyond what’s listed above! I will continue to update this list as more ideas download :-)