Virtual Group Revelation Breathwork Classes
What is breathwork?
At its essence, breathwork is a type of active meditation that involves intentionally placing your awareness & focus on your breath, performing a specific, controlled technique to reap various benefits.
There are many breathwork techniques, and the benefits of these various techniques vary. I am certified in Revelation Breathwork, a beautiful technique that combines an ancient two-step breath technique with an upbeat & inspired music playlist curated to create an incredible experience.
Benefits of this Breathwork technique may assist with:
RELEASE OF Creative Blocks
DetoxIFICATION OF the Body
Alkalizing the blood
Increasing Muscle Tone
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Stress Relief
Mood Elevation
Mental Clarity
Energy Boost
What To Expect in a Revelation Breathwork Class;
Watch this quick 6 minute video explaining
how to prepare for your breathwork class
Please note: Virtual “doors” close after 5 minutes of the class starting.
The class is structured into 3 parts:
The first part includes a short 10-15 minute introduction to the 2-part active breathing technique, as well as common experiences. We also use this part to get you set up, relaxed, grounded and ready to breathe.
The second part consists of active breathing using the Revelation Breathwork method. This lasts about 28-35 minutes and is done to positive, upbeat music. I guide you back to your breath throughout class and give guidance throughout class.
In the third part, the active breathing stops and your breathing returns to a nice relaxed and normal rhythm. Softer music is played to allow you to integrate all the work you did during your session. .
Following the breathwork portion, if you’d like to stay, we will have some time as a group to share any insights, experiences you’d like, wrapping up the 1 hour and 15 minute class.
Questions? Send them on over to