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Virtual Group Revelation Breathwork Classes

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What is breathwork?

  • At its essence, breathwork is a type of active meditation that involves intentionally placing your awareness & focus on your breath, performing a specific, controlled technique to reap various benefits.

  • There are many breathwork techniques, and the benefits of these various techniques vary. I am certified in Revelation Breathwork, a beautiful technique that combines an ancient two-step breath technique with an upbeat & inspired music playlist curated to create an incredible experience.

  • Benefits of this Breathwork technique may assist with:

  • RELEASE OF Creative Blocks

  • DetoxIFICATION OF the Body

  • Alkalizing the blood

  • Increasing Muscle Tone

  • Anti-inflammatory Effects

  • Stress Relief

  • Mood Elevation

  • Mental Clarity

  • Energy Boost



What To Expect in a Revelation Breathwork Class;

Watch this quick 6 minute video explaining
how to prepare for your breathwork class

Please note: Virtual “doors” close after 5 minutes of the class starting.

The class is structured into 3 parts:

  • The first part includes a short 10-15 minute introduction to the 2-part active breathing technique, as well as common experiences. We also use this part to get you set up, relaxed, grounded and ready to breathe.

  • The second part consists of active breathing using the Revelation Breathwork method. This lasts about 28-35 minutes and is done to positive, upbeat music. I guide you back to your breath throughout class and give guidance throughout class.

  • In the third part, the active breathing stops and your breathing returns to a nice relaxed and normal rhythm. Softer music is played to allow you to integrate all the work you did during your session. .

Following the breathwork portion, if you’d like to stay, we will have some time as a group to share any insights, experiences you’d like, wrapping up the 1 hour and 15 minute class.


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Questions? Send them on over to