A Note to You from Me: Trust your Yourself, Trust your Dreams & Keep Going My Friend
17 years ago, I was 17 years old, and had pretty big hopes and dreams. That was 1/2 a lifetime ago.
I thought I knew what I wanted right out of the gate. And while different interests popped up on the side that also looked worthwhile to pursue, I decided to stick with the initial spark that lit my soul on fire: becoming a physical therapist.
And once I hit that milestone, something new sparked my soul: starting my own dream business that combined all I loved and enjoyed: helping others feel better through mindset and movement.
And my soul isn’t done. It still gets sparked and I continue to follow. I get still, I listen, I take the next step. I reach the next marker or overcome the next challenge, and I repeat.
I trust that our souls are leading us to where they want to take us next, and our dreams & desires are the way.
Because you found yourself here, reading this blog, here’s my little note from me to you: Trust yourself. Trust you’re on the right path. Trust the inner guidance that’s within, and keep going my friend.
No, It’s not easy all the time. Sometimes it is easy, and sometimes our souls nudge us in a direction and we double check with an “are you sure??”
Yup, it’s sure ;)
Make it a practice to listen to the nudges and follow the pulls, and trust.
And you’ll get to the place of being so glad you listened, so glad you trusted and took the leap of faith
And that is where I am, 17 years later from being that 17 year old girl with big dreams.
She’s accomplished a lot of her dreams & goals. She also accomplished a lot of other dreamy things that weren’t initially there to begin with, and she’s still dreaming Pretty. Dang. Big.
So from one soul to another, keep going my friend.
Keep trusting.
Keep taking the baby steps towards your dreams, the leaps, the risk.
You’re so loved, guided & supported.
Trust that.
If things don’t seem to be going your way, trust that it’s a detour in the right direction. Trust that it’s up-leveling you to become the person who has what you want. Trust that it’s helping you to grow and evolve into your next level.
Trust, Trust, Trust, Trust, Trust.
You got this my friend. I’m in your corner, cheering you on.