The Magic of Going Alcohol-Free


October is a popular time to experiment going alcohol free for what’s known as Sober October. 

And I HIGHLY recommend it. 

(Not just for October, but anytime)

See, I decided to give up alcohol for a year in April of 2020. 

The truth is that even if I had one drink in the evening, I felt congested and lethargic the following day.
It was a feeling I can only describe as gross, the opposite of how I wanted to feel.
I desired to feel energetic and vibrant. 

But just like for most people, I saw alcohol as a fun experience. I enjoyed the different tastes or flavors of various beverages, and not going to lie, the state of ‘relaxation’ it put me in. 

But low and behold,
it wasn’t relaxation
…it was numbing. 

So in April 2020, when I saw on the news that alcohol sales were increasing,
I decided to give it a one year break to see how I felt without it.
And since there were no social meet ups, it felt easy to do. 

It felt hard for the first two weeks. I had cravings, and when my husband would have a margarita, I wanted one too. 

Then I asked myself “what does having a drink do for me/why do I want it” and the answer that came through was that I enjoyed having a refreshment. It was a HUGE Ah-Ha moment for me, because I knew I could met this need in other ways that didn’t involve alcohol.

So with that, I had sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh lime juice, and it filled my need for a refreshment without the unwanted aftermath. ahhhh.

Then something incredible happened.

Within a few months of going alcohol free, I noticed my intuitive voice and inner guidance getting louder and clearer.

It got to the point that I would think a question and heard the answer or intuitive action step in my head Immediately.

It felt MAGICAL. 

Even though I set this experiment for a year,
I remember thinking “I don’t want to give this up for anything”.
I loved all the guidance, magic and synchronicities that were happening in my life and business. 

As the 12 month mark approached, I wondered what I was going to do. Was I going to have a drink on the anniversary for the sake of celebrating making it? That sounded ridiculous, so I wasn’t going to do that.
So I just decided to keep going and was fully alcohol free for 14 months. 

As my husband and my 11th wedding anniversary approached, we were planning to take a road trip, and I did decided on something that felt good and aligned that I called being 99% alcohol-free— where I gave myself the freedom to have the choice to have an occasional celebratory drink or sip if that was what I truly wanted; otherwise, alcohol just wasn’t a significant part of my life. So I decided to take a bottle of my favorite red wine on the trip with us. 

The idea behind being 99% alcohol free was that if I decided I wanted to enjoy something at sometime,
I could.

No deprivation or feeling like I was going without,
but that if I did decide to enjoy something, it didn’t have to be a whole glass,
it could be a simple sip of something, and that could be it.
Enjoyed guilt and shame free. 

And now, after being alcohol free for 14 months, then having some sips that broke that 14 month chain, I can honestly say on the other side of it that going alcohol free is absolutely magical and it’s something I would invite everyone to try for 3, 6 or 12 months, just to see for themselves & experience what happens. 

If you’re sober curious, here are a few of my fav IG accounts & Resources to follow
to support you on your alcohol free journey: 

IG Accounts 





I highly recommend the book Euphoric by Karolina Rzadkowolska


Karolina and I crossed paths 3 months into my AF journey; I was brought in to do a mindset presentation for a mastermind group she was apart of.  We’ve known each other for a little over a year, and she recently brought me in to be one of her in house coaches for women who are going after their big dreams while alcohol free, using all the extra time, resources, energy & magic that the lifestyle brings. 

Her book gives you the 411 about alcohol and the role it plays when consumed, as well as what happens when you don’t drink it. She covers the mind/body/soul benefits that come with taking a break, then guides you on an 8 week alcohol free journey to help you not only thrive without alcohol, but truly step into your magic & power. It’s absolutely fantastic!

The book officially launches January 2022,
but you if you
preorder it today, you can get instant access to reading it now. 

You can find out more here *

Once you preorder your book from your retailer of choice and enter the order number here, you’ll receive an email with details on how to download the book to get immediate access. 

(*Note: I am not an affiliate for this book and receive no compensation for your purchase. I love Karolina’s work & mission and want to get the word out, because quite frankly, it’s life changing.)

I believe each of us possess this insane amount of potential to live big, full lives.

It’s why I became a physical therapist, to help people get back to doing what they love.

It’s why I became a life coach & manifestation mentor, to help people cultivate the success mindset they needed to get out of their own way and tap into their inner power to create the lives they truly desired.

And it’s why I support “making alcohol an insignificant part of your life”, (as Karolina says),

because life’s too magical to let a beverage numb it. 

Now I’d love to hear from you! If you decide to go AF at anytime, drop a comment below or send a line to, I’d love to support you and cheer you on, woop!


Thank you for subscribing!

Jasmine StrombergComment