11:11—A Quick Guide on Angel Numbers, Nudges, Hunches & Tuning into the Support of Your Divine Dream Team


[Blog Disclaimer: The author of article does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this article for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.]

Growing up Catholic, I was taught to how to pray from a very early age. 

It first started with memorized prayers, such as The “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” prayers, with a fun option at the end to make our other requests known to God**. 


{**Side Note: In complete transparency, I feel/believe there’s a universal guidance/intelligence that’s available to us all regardless of religion or lack of it, and that this divine guidance, love and intelligence is available for everyone to access and tap into. As you continue to read, Trust yourself to take what info works for ya from this guide &  leave what doesn’t. Allow your heart, gut and intuition be your guide.}

Since then, I’ve said many prayers and had many requests made to the divine throughout my life, but never have I ever prayed with so much fervor and feeling as I had when I had when I found myself in a really hard place a few years ago. 

The situation in and of itself doesn’t matter; what mattered was that I felt stuck without seeing a way out, and that’s when I prayed. Hard.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I’ve prayed, I didn’t know what to expect in terms of actual results, or would approach it like “well, it couldn’t hurt” vs actually believing and expecting something to come about from it. 

And in this particular situation when I did receive the help I had made a request for, I was so grateful and amazed that I decided to continue to work with this divine intelligence (or insert the name you resonate with) more intentionally and on a daily basis…rather than just on Sundays or when I was in a dire situation.  

When I made that conscious choice, it was like I had my own daily guiding light and I started noticing how magical life really is! From manifesting some stellar experiences and opportunities to meeting and having fun with incredible souls and collaborating on projects that are changing and impacting the world, life is MAGICAL and has this electric potential that we get to tap into. For a large part of my life, I intellectually knew about this, but more and more, I actually started experiencing it first hand when I made it my actual intention and will.

Now, this isn’t to say that there won’t be ups & downs and challenges; that’s actually where the guidance and tips from this article come in: on how to request, notice and use the guidance that is always available. 

And while these tend to be the times we driven to seek divine help (usually as a last resort, “it couldn’t hurt” type of option), we can also ask for and notice this guidance daily to make life more fun, flowy, and magical! 

Let’s dive in! 


A nudge, intuition, a gut feeling, an “I just know to do this; I don’t why, but have this hunch” is your soul communicating with you. 

The way I like to think about this for myself is that I have a soul; this is the divine part of who I am. And this divine part of me is able to communicate with the divine; and when this communication comes through to me, it can be translated as this nudge, an ‘invisible pull’, etc. 

This comes through differently for each of us, and the big thing here is paying attention to it by taking moments of being still when we notice it. (Often, we can be so busy in our lives, that we’ll have a momentary hunch or nudge, but are quick to dismiss it.)

The more we notice these nudges and pay attention to them, the more we notice them and the stronger they become.

Intuition and receiving these nudges often is like working out; just as you have a regular gym routine to get stronger, the more attention you pay to your intuition , the stronger it gets as well*

{*Side note for increasing the strength of your intuition: in April of 2020, I decided to give up alcohol for a year, and one of the fun and surprising things I noticed after a few months was how strong and clear my inner intuitive voice had become! If you’re wanting to receive divine guidance more clearly, I’d invite you to check out my blog on The Magic of going Alcohol-Free for resources and to learn more}

Angel Numbers 

When you see 11:11 on a digital clock, do you make a wish? 

11:11 is an example of an “angel number”, a sequence of numbers that I think of as a little “wink” and give us information.

Numbers are thought by some to have various meanings behind them, and therefore ‘angel numbers’ can be a way of divine communication. For example, one interpretation of 11:11 is that we are all one, we are all parts of the whole. Another interpretation is that when we see this number, it’s a ‘sign’ we’re in alignment and on the right path, where what you are thinking, saying and doing are in harmony. 

When I actually opened up my laptop to write this article, it was 5:55am. I smirked to myself and took this as my wink from God/the Universe/Angels. Angel numbers are one of my favorite ways to receive guidance. 

An angel number could be a repeating number, such as 111 or 444, or it could be a number you see in different places, such as on a clock or license plate. Maybe you wake up without an alarm most mornings at the same exact time: 4:02 am. That could be an angel number you may decide to look up. 

When I want to check out a number’s meaning, I head over to this website to look it up and see if it rings true.

Yellow is one of my favorite colors, so when I see a yellow car, I glimpse at the number on the license plate and will look it up later; or when I see a yellow school bus with number on the side, I’ll take note and see what it means.

What’s fun with this is when I get a few numbers in a day, I’ll look them up together and see how they each relate/reinforce one another. This just amps up my belief in the communication I’m receiving (for example, I’ll get a few messages to ‘start something that’s been on my mind’ and get it from different number sequences, or another message that may come through is to ‘let go of worry, a situation is being handled’—even though the numbers I looked up were different sequences. It feels so supportive.)


Oh signs. We all want a good sign, don’t we? Something BIG and Obvious?

But sometimes what we receive is on the more subtle side, and may be easily dismissed as a ‘coincidence’. Whether something is a coincidence or not is completely up to the interpretation and meaning we give it. I see signs, my husband sees coincidences, and both are fine, neither are right or wrong. 

Experiment with noticing how little signs and synchronicities make you feel and how they guide you.

Selecting your own sign: you can decide what your “sign” is for you, so that when you see it, you know you’re on the right track/in the right place, getting a wink from the Universe, etc. 

Gabby Bernstein goes over this in her book “The Universe Has Your Back”, and one of the things she recommends is simply picking the first thing that comes to mind to be your sign. 

For me, it was rainbows. 

But I like to give the Universe many ways to reach and contact me, so have picked a few other signs as well, such as a particular flower, one of my favorite songs growing up, and the color yellow like I mentioned above. 

An actual sign: you could also receive a ‘sign’ in the form of an actual billboard or sign you see. Let’s say you’re driving home from work, and you have something on your mind that you desire an answer or solution to. And as you drive home on your normal route, you notice a billboard you’ve passed many times before, but today, you actually read it and the message feels like an answer or solution you were seeking. Maybe you’re worried about something and pass a billboard for a roofing company that states “Don’t worried, we got you covered.”

This actual physical sign may give you some comfort or relief that the solution is on it’s way, or may allow you to relax and receive some sort of other idea related to a solution (we commonly are more creative/solution oriented when we are in a calm and relaxed state vs. fight/flight/panic mode).

One time, I was heading to an appointment, wishing I was somewhere else, doing something more fun. While walking from the parking lot to my appointment, I saw a bumper sticker on someone’s car that said “Remember, this is temporary.” I took that as a helpful and gentle reminder, and my mood immediately shifted to gratitude for the moment instead of wishing for something else.

Something you over hear 

Our divine communication can also happen in ways that catch our attention or uses our senses, such as overhearing something.

For example, I was having lunch last month at my one of my grandmother’s FAVORITE restaurants her and I shared a loved for: Red Lobster. It was the place I had brought her to years ago prior to her passing in 2017. 

As I was seated by the host for a solo lunch and started looking over the menu, I heard a song Natasha Bedding Field overhead on the speaker:These words are my own, from my heart flow, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. There's no other way, to better say I love you, I love you. ” 

I felt my grandma’s love & presence immediately and started tearing up happy tears. I knew this wasn’t a coincidence, but a sign that she was with me and guiding me. 

Loving Guidance might show up in the form of song lyrics you hear, a song that randomly pops in your head (I’ve woken up with a song’s chorus in my head that has been helpful advice), overhearing a conversation that gives you insight or sparks an idea; it might also show up as that internal voice you hear, whether it’s in your voice or someone you may know, such as a common saying a friend or family member has said in the past that pops up when you need it the most. 

Thoughts & Downloads: 

A “download” is similar to what we actually discussed above: it may be a picture or image that flashes across your mind’s eye, you may “see” how to do something in your mind (ie a process or way of structuring something), it may be something you hear in your head (ie in your voice or the voice of someone you know), it may be a feeling you have and insight into what this feeling means, or perhaps this “knowing” of the next step. 

My blog posts are often downloads. I have no idea what I’m going to write for the month, only trusting that something will come at that right time, then once the idea “downloads,” I make note of it.

Sometimes I’ll wait for more to come in, and it will, but more info tends to come once I start taking action (I like to think this happens to help prevent unnecessary stress or overwhelm. For example, I knew I wanted to post on November 11, given the 11/11 date, and knew it would have a ‘mystical’ theme. That was my download at the time. Then I got the download/idea to talk about angel numbers and made note of that. By the time I sat down to write this, the rest of the content, including signs, nudges and hunches came through. If all this would have come through in the beginning when I was not ready to sit and write, I may have felt overwhelmed or worried I would have forgotten some important concepts to share).

How You Can Use This Info: 

Woooo! The fact that you made it to the end means that you followed your soul’s nudge to
1) click on this blog post and
2) to read it.

Me and your soul (and your divine dream team, as I like to call them) are alllllll celebrating you, woohooing and giving you virtual high fives. 

Now what you choose to do with this info is all up to you. 

It can be a lot to take in at first. I totally get it and have been there. 

Here’s what I recommend: 

  1. Decide what you want to do with what you learned: Is this something you want to play with and start tuning into more frequently? Or is it something you need to put on the shelf for now and return back to later, keeping it at the back of mind? Pick what feels good.

  2. If you do decide you want to start tapping into this beautiful guidance that’s always available, ask for it in an area of life you desire some help with. You can journal on this, request it in your head, or say it out loud: “God/Angels/Universe and Divine Team of the highest & purest love, help me with xyz. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” And feel as if you just placed an order and it was received, trusting & knowing it’s being taken care of and that you’ll receive the answer at the right time.

  3. Create time throughout your day to be still. This can be 5 minutes or longer; it can me sipping a cup of tea in morning silence, taking a walk without headphones, meditating, taking a bath with instrumental music, journalling, etc. This gives us time for Divine communication to come through.

  4. Stay open and alert throughout your day to see what comes through as a sign or guidance. Also know that Asking for a sign and hoping to get a sign…is a ‘sign’ in and of itself of what your heart desires and what you’re ‘hoping’ to get as an answer, and you get to decide to follow your heart as a compass/guide as well ;-D

  5. When you receive a sign, angel number, nudge, hunch etc, say “Thank you!” And feel gratitude for the guidance, just like you would for any other gift or fun surprise you’d received. This keeps more coming.

  6. Build your faith/belief muscle by documenting signs & synchronicities in some way to help you remember and recall them, like keeping a journal or taking pictures.

  7. When you receive guidance, you get to choose what to do with it. You can choose to take immediate/inspired action, or you can acknowledge it and decide you want to wait (such as I did with this blog post).

  8. When you do decide to take action on guidance, I also recommend journaling what happens next, documenting the fun and magical domino effects that happen ;-)

Above all, remember that you get to always be the final say so of what you choose to act on or not.

You are the captain of your ship and you get to create the life you desire. Tuning into the support and guidance from your Divine Dream Team (who love you so so much and wants to offer their higher guidance to help you on your soul’s path and mission) is always available. 

Now I’d love to hear from you! What magical synchronicities have you experienced where you’ve felt guided? What experiences have you had with signs and nudges?

xo, Jasmine

[Blog Disclaimer: The author of article does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this article for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.]


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