2021: The Year of Being True to Yourself & Your Dreams
When thinking of a blog post topic to kick the new year off with, the topic of living an authentic life kept coming up over and over again, of being true to yourself, to your needs & desires.
We made it through 2020, and we should celebrate that (woot woot!!
And while external circumstances continue to keep us on our toes, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of a fresh new year that brings new energy, space & momentum to keep heading in the direction of our dreams. Yes!
I recently finished the book ‘The One Thing’ (highly recommend!) and in it, author Gary Keller references the book ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’ by Bronnie Ware, a woman who spent years caring for those at the end of their lives. The five pattern of regrets she noted them to have?
I wish that I'd let myself be happier
I wish I'd stay in touch
with my friends
I wish I had the courage
to express my feelings
I wish I hadn't worked so hard
I wish I'd had the courage
to live life true to myself,
not the life others expected of me.
When I read these, especially the last one, it reinforced the topic I felt I needed to write for this month. That this life is precious, that are dreams matter and are on our hearts for a reason, and it’s up to each of us to live the life we desire to live.
No matter where you are in life, I believe you can always change it to become what you want it to be. I don’t believe in it ever being too late really. As long as youre alive and breathing, infinite potential and possibilities exist all around.
Here are a few journal prompts to get the reflection and action steps started:
1: What do I want for my life?
2: What do I want from this year?
3: If I could do anything, be anything, have anything, what would these things be?
4: If no one knew I had or were these, would I still want them? (A great litmus test to ensure your wants and desires are your own vs. wanting them for someone else or to impress others).
5: What are some ideas of actions steps to start accomplishing #3 (just brainstorming here)
6: out of those action steps, which one is the easiest that I can do today, this week or this month?
Once you have your action step, determine how much time it will take, and schedule it into your calendar. Protect this appointment with yourself, and you’ll get it done, making progress towards the goals you’ve set for this year. Woot Woot!!
I believe you, me, all of us, are here for a reason, with gifts that we get to grow and cultivate that not only serve us, but others; gifts that when we tap into, bring us so much joy and happiness. And to bring them about, we gotta be ‘divinely selfish’ and live a life that feels and is authentic to us. When we do this, I believe a few things happen: we shine, we show other’s that it’s safe for them to shine too, and we serve others immensely with our gifts. This is what I’ve been able to tap into and experience, and am excited to see others do this as well.
So now I’d love to hear from you!
Feel free to comment below what your gifts are and what sets your soul on fire, I’d love to know!
Let’s make the rest of our lives, the best of our lives.
Lets commit to continued growth & moving forward despite external circumstances.
Cheers to living an authentic life and year that we love!
We totally got this!
Xo, Jasmine