Have you heard the Word Bird?! My Word for 2019!!
2018 is the year going down in my book as the fastest year ever.
It seems that ever since I graduated from PT school and started working, the the months roll by and the years fly faster and faster. I think it’s partially because I don’t have those winter and spring breaks that split up the year, but I’m working on that ;)
When I noticed this, it made me want to be more aware and conscious of how I spend my time, on what and with whom. So at the end of December, I set my goals and intentions for the upcoming year. At the end of this, I decided on a word for my year, a word that could become the theme of 2019.
My word is alignment.
I am making all my choices by it, and if I choose something and as I go along am not feeling it, I change it. If there is something I don’t necessarily want to do, but the outcome/end result is what I desire, I consider it to be in alignment as well. At the end of the day (and life really), my goal is to be in alignment as much as possible. It’s what makes me feel good and keeps me on track. It’s what allows me to feel content and fulfillment. To grow, even when it may feel uncomfortable in the moment.
In the new year, I started working at a new clinic that is more aligned with the therapist I want to become.
I made business decisions and changes that were not easy at the time, but new they were not in alignment, and I feel lighter.
I had opportunities for travel and ongoing education that popped up that I said yes to (all within the first month of the year too!!)…alignment.
When we get crystal clear on our desires, what our ‘theme’ or word for the year is, it becomes a game changer. I am still working on getting clear on my life vision, but I know like I know like I know that whatever it is I desire, I want it to be in full alignment with my values, beliefs and feel good on a soul level, no matter what.
So even though we are already (already?!) at the end of the first month of the year, there’s still plenty of time to decide on a word to live your 2019 by.
So what’s your word?