Moving into the 2nd Half of the Year: Setting a Clear Direction and Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You.
There is so much ‘newness’ in the air right now, I’m FILLED with SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!!
With the first official day of Summer last Thursday, the full moon on 6/28/18, and a new month right around the corner (Hello July!! The official start of the 2nd half of the year, oh my!!) I feel like there are fresh slates ALL OVER DA PLACE!!
And as a gal who LOVES fresh slates (fresh starts, fresh beginnings, new goals…) I was ECSTATIC when a friend introduced me to the concept of using the time of a new moon to set new goals and intentions, and alternatively, using the full moon as a time to release what no longer served me (beliefs, clutter, habits, etc).
Now, I love when nature shows up as my guide and teacher, so when I heard this, I LOVED it, and it resonated with me INSTANTLY. Sign me up, I was IN!
I loved how these two concepts were intertwined, happening 14 days away from each other.
My goal setting takes place A LOT (i.e. beginning of the year, start of each month (usually), each quarter of the year, etc)...I felt like I had goal setting down pat. But I never had a habit of ‘releasing’ what no longer served me, so was excited to make a new habit of it.
Wanna know what I found out?
That ‘releasing’ what no longer served me (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc) was JUST as important (if not more so) in terms of creating the life I wanted as setting goals.
Whoa...I’d dare to even call it my new ‘secret sauce.’ (so bold!). And I’m sharing it with ya.
Working on releasing my limiting beliefs (those little thoughts that we think to ourselves that hold us back, tend not to be very nice, don’t serve us in anyway, other than keeping us comfortable and playing small...those thoughts) has been LIFE CHANGING, and is the practice that has helped me create momentum in hitting my goals faster and with more confidence than I’ve ever experienced before.
So the two combined is like experiencing an AMAZING road trip: creating goals is what gives our life direction and releasing what doesn’t serve us lightens our load so we can pick up fun memories on the way and get where we want to go faster. Going back and forth on a regular basis between the two is what creates momentum. This momentum inspires us to take action, that action creates confidence, which inspires us, and the beautiful cycle continues, and we achieve a ton of absolute AWESOMENESS.
So, my friend, it is my hope that you’re able to use this knowledge to launch yourself in the direction of your dreams, turning them into reality. Now’s the PERFECT time to use this ‘Fresh Slate’ of a new month/new season/new quarter (which ever resonates with ya...or all the above!) to set a clear direction, combined with the full moon phase to release what no longer serves you, and grow, grow, grow :D
So now I’d love to hear what you think! Comment below or email me at Do you have ‘fresh slate’ habits that you love? Do you have a regular habit of clearing things out from you life/space?
xo, jasmine