UPW LA 2019: My BIGGEST Take Away Strategy for Motivation & Creating the Life of Our Dreams
Holy Moly, here we are, a quarter of the way into our year! How are you?!
I feel (as per ush) that the year is flying by. I am about 90 days into a new job at a new clinic and am starting to find my flow there. I am enjoying my new digs, my new schedule and amazing coworkers. I am grateful and excited for what is, but am also excited for what’s to come. As humans, we THRIVE on growth. As the saying goes ‘if we are not growing, we are dying,’ and I don’t know if you find this true for you, but I definitely feel it’s true for me.
So I started the year sharing with you my ‘word/theme’ for the year: alignment. And so far, this has been a great choice. I’m loving making my choices from this mindset, deciding on what to say yes to and no to, and seeing where this leads. I once heard “if you say yes to something it means you are saying no to something else, and if you say no to something, it means you get to say yes to something else,” and am finding this SO. DANG. TRUE.
Life is FULL of opportunities and choices, so what’s the best way to decide what to say yes and no to?
This is where creating a life vision comes in super handy, and this was something I finally sat down and worked on in February, working out a 12 category life vision of the life I desire. It took some work and time, but I had a TON of fun with it since it was broken up over the course of 6 weeks. Tony Robbins said it best: “The world is our playground and LOVE is our legacy”…that’s what I desire for life: adventure and love!
So with my life vision place, March was all about starting to live and build that life vision.
I felt the next aligned step I needed to take was to figure out how I was getting in my own way of my dreams, and learn the strategies to stop doing that. So I headed to Tony Robbin’s Unleash the Power Within (UPW) seminar this month, where I learned a lot about shifting our focus, changing/creating energy to do the things we want to get done, and how to become our most powerful selves, reaching our potential, exceeding what we ever thought possible.
The Legend himself: Tony Robbins! The man who taught us amazing strategies for motivation and confidence to get ~ish done, including walking across hot coals unscathed.
One of my life long challenges to this point has been maintaining consistent motivation, and wondering how to harness it when low to do what needed to be done to reach my goals. There are times motivation comes naturally for me (and when it does, I ride that wave!), but there are also those times when it wanes and I’d rather procrastinate. So I was on a mission to learn how to turn that around, and UPW definitely helped.
One of the biggest take away strategies I learned from UPW for motivation is called the Triad.
I learned that our energy state (how we are feeling in any given moment) is what produces behavior/action. And we have the power to control how we feel in any moment by changing any component of this triad, which are:
I will be talking more in depth about each one of these components over the next few blog posts, so stay tuned; but for now, here is a quick little description of each so you can get started using them:
Physiology relates to the body; how is your posture, your breathing? Are you hydrated? Are you sleeping enough? Are you nourishing your self with foods that give you fuel? You can changes any of these components to change how you feel. If you’re wanted to feel more energized, try sitting up taller and taking deeper breaths, and notice the difference. I’ve found this to be a game changer!
What are you focusing on? Is it empowering or disempowering? If it’s related to motivation, are you focusing on all the steps you have to take, or are you focused on how you’ll feel when you’re finished? Focus is huge influence in motivation, and is also a game changer. When it comes to my workouts, I focus on how exciting it will be to let my coach know at the end of the week that I got them all in, no excuses, and that lights me up! (yes, I have a coach who keeps me accountable too!)
What words are you using and choosing? Words are POWERFUL, and we get to choose them, so choose once that get your juices flowing and fire burning. When I talk to myself, wanting to increase motivation/energy, I think to myself “I can TOTALLY do this!” or “I CAN’T WAIT to do this!” and my energy follows.
So that’s the triad in a nutshell. I’m so excited to share more strategies with you in upcoming blogposts about how we can create the life of our dreams, and the triad is our starting point :-D
Let me know what you think about this strategy in the comments below! What are your experiences with mindfully changing your physiology, focus and language? How do you see this helping you with motivation in the future?