Let the P90x Journey begin!

Alright!!! It's official...I started the program I've been dreading the most since it came out: P90X!! 

This program has a reputation to get you strong and shredded, but also known to be relentless in causing soreness and puking...meh, not really my thing (I hate workouts that make me nauseous ever since running high school track). I tend to gravitate towards short, 30 min HIIT/interval workouts, but I also like a good challenge, so this program was it! I also have had the tendency in the past to start programs, but quit 2 weeks in, so a I will definitely be focusing on discipline to complete the entire 90 days, and have an accountability system in place. 

I wanted to document my journey, how I'm feeling etc, and since it's day 2, I'm feeling pretty good! The original plan was to start in March, about 6 weeks ago actually, but I didn't feel I had a a strong enough foundation.  So I spent a bit of time doing a few other programs to prepare for this.  With that said, on day 2, I'm not feeling too shabby, only slight soreness. I'm taking it pretty slow the first week and will ramp up as I go along (the same workouts are performed for the next 4 weeks covering a different muscle group each day, followed by a recovery week for week 5, then onto the next set of advanced videos). 

Wish me luck!!