Want Life to Be Better? Here Are the Steps I Follow....
Alright my friend. I’m going to talk about something that feels a bit uncomfortable, but feel like it’s something I need to throw out there, because this radically changed my life for the better.
Ok. Here it goes.
How much responsibility are you taking for you life?
Yup, right now. Yup, even with everything going on.
Phew. Ok….now that that’s out there, let’s throw out possible percentages.
75 or 80%.
Or are you a total hunny…taking a hunny (…100…) percent responsibility?
‘But Jasmine, no one can take 100% responsibility for how their life is, there are just too many factors, variables, people, events.’
Yes, I get it.
But hear this out, especially if you’re looking for things to be better.
For you, for your family, for the world.
In my experience and from what I’ve seen in the experience of others, those who take 100% responsibility for their lives…the ups, the downs, the round and rounds…know that they can 100% turn it around…and tend to.
That doesn’t mean trying to control everything and everyone, but actually working on what you can control (attitude, reaction, emotions, actions) and being at peace with what you can’t control.
But this is one of those things that you can’t (and shouldn’t) just take my word for it. You need to experience it to believe it yourself
So if you’re looking for things to be better, I’m here to lend a helping hand.
But first, please be open and willing to taking radical responsibility for the life you are creating. It’s the key.
Ready and willing? Ok, let’s go to the next step:
“But Jasmine, didn’t you just tell me I should take 100% responsibility…now you want me to let things go?”
Haha. Yup. Life can be a paradox #amiright?
Because here’s the thing… when you surrender, you’re in a relaxed state. And guess what kind of state promotes creative thinking that can solve yo’ problems? A relaxed one :-)
So once you surrender and relax, knowing in your heart of hearts that it’s all going to be ok, and stay in that place of trust and fiath, your subconscious mind can and will start pulling up solutions, saying “OK, she thinks everything is going to be ok, so we better get working on coming up with solutions to make everything alright” and it will:
An idea will pop up in the shower.
Someone will say something that will make you think of something that leads to a solution.
You’ll get an inkling.
Which brings up to the next step:
Follow your gut.
Your brain is hard at work coming up with solutions…and it will communicate to you in the form of a nudge, inkling, hunch or intuition. If it feels right, follow. It.
It might feel like
“I should apply for this job”
“I should call this friend”
“I should read this email”
“I should xyz”
And take action as soon as you feel the inspiration to do so.
And take note of what happens and where it leads you.
Roald Dahl, one of my FAVE childhood authors said “Those who don’t believe in magic never find it.” Oh man. So wise. And so true.
Bringing us to point number 4:
Trust that something higher has your back my friend,
and loves the heck out of you. Tap in and feel the love and support. It’s there.
When you allow this belief, you can let go of fear and worry.
It’s a practice, and some times will feel easier than others, but once you get it, it feels so good.
If there was ever a time to build and work your faith muscle, now’s the time.
This time is literally an opportunity capable of bringing out the best of us (if that’s what we choose...we always have a choice).
And if you choose to take it up on it’s offer and make your moves, whatever they may be for you (and they might be different for each of us) I have this inkling that if we will become resilient AF, and will be able to handle things in a better way than we ever thought we could.
Ok. That’s about it. Surrender, tap into your faith, follow your gut for your next action step and work on your inner world, taking radical responsibility, and I promise your outer world will start to match it.
I’m 99.99999999999999999999999%
confident on this.
My wish for you is that this time leads you to the most wonderful doors opportunities, taking you beyond your wildest imaginations. We got this.