Reflection Post + Journal Prompts: The Process of Embracing All the Feels, Twists & Turns of Life (or a Month, or a Week)


This was a full month. It had its ups, downs and round and rounds, just like any month, but when I got to the end of it, and reflected on it as I went through pictures and videos on my phone,

I couldn’t help but realize how full & truly meaningful it was.

It was the month I celebrated my 12 year wedding anniversary, while also the month we burried our sweet Thor’s (our sweet pup of 12 years) ashes.

It was the month I passed to become an indoor cycling instructor (after 6 months of training and practicing and learning and growing) at an absolute dream of a studio in town, while also navigating new shifts and changes at the studio as I got started.

And all in all, with all the facets and feels of this month, I look back at it, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for it all, feeling a deep sense of groundedness and calmness, that no matters what happens in life, all truly is and will be okay.

We’re pretty resilient, my friends…life has a way of presenting situations that allow us to grow and become the type or people we want to become, cultivate the type of character we want to embody.

And I’ve come to realize that we can only embody these desired identities by going through the thick of it, by going through a process that creates the very person we desire to become.

By getting back up when we’ve stumbled, by talking kindly to ourselves when we have the tendency to be our harshest critic, by resting when our ego says push, & by pushing when our heart says “yes” but our fear says no, by doing the things we feel inside are the right things for us to do, even when it feels hard or challenging…these are what make us us at the end of the day.

So whenever we’re having a month (or moment in time) that’s bringing up all the emotions and feels, we can see it as an invitation to dig in and enjoy the process, as it might just be the catalyst that drives us towards our next level…and with each new level can come new dreams, desires, visions, opportunities and delicious ways to continue living life to the fullest.

I wanted to share the following Journal Prompts to offer ways to get the wheels turning on reflecting back on a year, month, week, day or moment. You can answer some or all of them; you never know what may pop up and surprise you once you get writing:

  • What feelings/emotions has this time brought up?

  • What underlying beliefs do I have that may be creating this feeling/emotion?

  • What are the positive aspects of this moment? If I could see positive aspects about this moment, what would they be?

  • Are there any lessons or is there any wisdom I can gain from this? What are some ways I could choose to use these lessons/wisdom moving forward?

  • How can I use this experience to help another person or situation?

  • If I could be grateful for something right now, with this experience in mind, what could I be grateful about in this moment?


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