Shifting your health journey to one that you love
Happy NEW YEAR!!!!
ya...I's January 12th. I'm fashionably late, what can I say ;-)
With this year still so fresh though, I seriously think there's no better time to talk about how to feel GOOD about your health and fitness journey! It's that time when we set goals and resolutions for ourselves, and the idea of hitting that goal may feel good, but what about the journey to them?
You know that quote, "It's not about the journey, it's about the destination?" Welp, let's talk about how to make it about the journey, cause it really is the sweet spot if we allow it to be.
For a long time, I've gone in and out about feeling good about my body and habits. Sometimes I would feel balanced and on track, doing what felt good, and other times, I would do things that I felt I 'should' do, feeling tension, resistance and annoyed.
Within the past year, I really discovered that our health journey can drive us nuts if we allow it to. When we are seeking to do the right thing, but receiving contradictory information, it can easily turn into a frustrating and overwhelming experience. It definitely has been for me, until I decided no more.
Within the last parts of 2017, I decided to make a permanent shift of letting go of that feeling of overwhelm my health journey was causing (or, that I allowed it to cause). Overwhelm doesn't serve us. So what I decided to do instead was take it as a signal; any feeling of overwhelm became my sign to stop, breath, and hone in on my intuition and ask myself: what feels right to do right now?
When it comes to health and wellness, there isn't a one size fits all. We have to be our own scientists in terms of trial and error and experiment to see what works best for us, using what feels good and our intuition as our guide.
There are a TON of options out there when it comes to health, fitness and wellnes. Some options work better for some vs others. So ask yourself "what am I drawn to and why?" Find out, then, if it feels right, look into it further to see if it aligns with what feels right and enjoyable and go from there. If it doesn't feel enjoyable, head back to the drawing board. We always have the option and power to change our mind at anytime if whatever we decided on no longer works for us, or if we simply want to try something new.
It may go without saying, but our health and fitness journey isn't as black and white as we may wish it to be. But if it was, where would the spice be?! Give yourself permission to try new things and to see what resonates with you. Keep the good and let go of what doesn't serve or excite you, regardless of any hype surrounding it or even if it's working for someone else. If at the end of the day, what you're doing isn't making you feel amazing and working in your life, let it go girl and feel the freedom! Our bodies are pretty darn smart in telling us what they want and crave.
As you go along on your journey and continue to seek and explore all that's out there, you will start building a wellness journey you absolutely adore. This is how we shift to a health regime that we love and feels easy, because it makes us feel good, and can stick to it without resistance or tension.
So, especially at this time of year, I strongly encourage you to check out what you're doing for your health/fitness/wellness journey. If there is something that isn't that exciting or that vibes well with ya, ask why you're doing it. Are there other benefits you're receiving? Are there little 'joys' you're overlooking? Can you switch to something else that would be good for you and bring you more joy? Try it out; this journey is one of exploration, wonder and fulfillment. There will be bumps and obstacles on they way, of course, but that's part of the journey that can help guide us to something better if we let it.