Embracing Change


I once heard a saying that's stuck with me to this day, "The only thing constant in life is change." I don't know if it's just me, but it seems whenever things get comfortable, life, God, the Universe yell's "PLOT TWIST!" 


My initial response usually is "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" But then I let things marinate for a bit and start thinking of possibilities and opportunities.  Change will always be one of those things that make me both anxious and excited at the same time.  I'll start wondering what the silver lining of the new situation will be and try to look at the potential growth that can occur.  Just as with anything, it's taken practice to achieve this mindset, and now it seems to be my automatic response. 

Here are some of the attitudes/quotes/mindsets I've adopted to make handling change a bit easier. 



I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
— Paul to the Philippians 4:12
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
— George Bernard Shaw
It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.
— Charles Darwin

Lastly, these are some of the habits that help keep me grounded during a time of change/transition. Change can definitely be overwhelming, but it can also be so beautiful!! So try some of these things to help you enjoy the transition/journey/settling in. 

  1. Breathe. The breath is incredibly powerful in calming your nervous system and mind. Just taking some time to simply focus on expanding your inhales and exhales help. You can also research 4-7-8 breathing as a way to decrease any sort of stress response.

  2. Ground yourself. This can mean different things to different people; for me, I think of it as doing something that makes me feel less like jumping out of my skin if I'm stressed. This can include breathing, praying, meditating, doing yoga, exercising, spending some time sitting quietly outside, taking the dogs on a walk without listening to anything, making and eating a healthy meal mindfully, burning incense, diffusing essential oils, taking a bath, getting a massage (or any spa service really, haha) reading the Bible and/or inspiring personal development books, etc. Ask yourself "what do I need to do right now to feel grounded" and the answer just may come to you.

  3. Create goals you want to achieve in the next 1-3 months. Give purpose to the change whether you asked for it or not; this gives some validation to any madness that might be going on as a result and can change your mindset/attitude about the change. It also allows the change to be a catalyst for growth when you see the change as an opportunity to step up hit some goals.

  4. Be grateful. For whatever was before the change and be grateful for the things that happened because of the change. You know that quote "Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened"? As corny and overused as the quote may seem, I do love it and think it makes a legit point. However, don't live in the past. Reference it and enjoy the memories when you need to, but keep moving forward, you don't want to miss the good times ahead because you are so focused on what was.

  5. Always remember that ultimately, you have the POWER (and responsibility) to change your own life! If you don't like this change or it's not working out for ya, you know what you gotta do...CHANGE IT! Figure out a game plan and take action. You are never stuck buttercup.


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